Let Ruth help make your next event an amazing experience!
Ruth’s electronic press kit, speaker videos, and other info you need right at your fingertips!
And an experience it will be! Not only will attendees learn, they’ll be “info-tained” with Ruth’s trademark blend of warmth and humor. As a trained performing artist, Ruth’s comfort on stage is contagious – “show, don’t tell” all the way – which is partly what she teaches. Her electronic press kit, which you can download below, contains everything you need to start getting to know Ruth and her work.
This electronic press kit (EPK), includes Ruth’s professional bio, client list, as well as links to media appearances, both broadcast and print. She is honored to have been quoted in such prestigious publications as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and TIME. Ruth is one of the few women motivational speakers to have achieved such wide prominence as an expert and you can see all right here in her motivational speaker press kit.
Her speaker videos are also part of this motivational speaker kit, available in 1-minute, 90-second, and 5-minute versions. You and your clients will be able to see for yourselves the quality of Ruth’s work and the audience responses.
“The hilarious and talented Ruth Sherman came out and talked commanding the room, the greatest marketing & personal branding tool no one wants to use!”
You’ve probably already taken a look at Ruth’s Speaking page, but don’t be surprised to learn that in addition to the topics listed there, there are others Ruth loves, are related to her core expertise that she just couldn’t fit into this speaker media kit, including…
Attention! Reigniting Focus in a World Drowning in Distraction – What does it really take to keep others completely focused?
I’m Not Done Yet, So Stop Trying to Get Rid of Me – Would you be surprised to know those “expensive” older workers actually increase profitability? (This topic fits perfectly into DEI initiatives.)
Just ask Ruth for program descriptions. Also, she loves getting creative, so if you’re looking for something specific you think Ruth might be able to do, she’d love to try to design something that fits your unique requirements.
Of course, a digital or electronic press kit is just one, small, but convenient way you can learn more about Ruth. While a virtual press kit is a start, Ruth knows for sure there is nothing that beats having a face-to-face conversation. If you go to the Book Ruth page (simply click on any of the “Book Ruth” buttons), you’ll see how you can reach her to set something up. And if you’re ready to book Ruth, there’s a form to fill out that will ensure she can deliver the presentation you want on the date you want.
Ruth thanks you for taking the time to take a look at her EPK (electronic press kit). She looks forward to hearing from you and together, making your event one that your clients will love and remember!